Boosting Your Brand via Technical Translation – Kimberley Smith

Kimberley Smith – Tayburn

In our latest blog we caught up with our wonderful client Kimberley Smith, Account Manager extraordinaire at Tayburn, who shares her experience in working with us. We discuss all things boosting your brand via technical translation, and how this enhances Tayburn’s market opportunities.


Hi Kimberley, can you give us a bit of background about your role at Tayburn?

Of course. I began working as an Account Manager here at Tayburn in February of 2019. Essentially, my role is to liaise between our clients and the various personnel we have working in house here at Tayburn. That’s a pretty simplified definition though – it’s not quite as straightforward as that maybe makes it sound. Lots of meetings, project management, negotiation, presentation… and so on! Tayburn’s got a strong reputation in the industry for a high quality of output, and that’s something that everyone works hard to uphold.


No doubt! What was your ‘big break’ into the agency world?

I sort of fell into the agency world. When I graduated from university I was applying for lots of jobs just desperate to find somewhere. It happened that my mum’s friend was neighbours with a woman who was the managing director of an agency, Realise. She kindly passed on my CV to her and the rest was history. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into but I’ve certainly never looked back!


Do you have a favourite aspect of your job?

No two days are the same. And no day ever goes to plan, no matter how well you plan. But this helps the days go by faster and means there’s an opportunity everyday to develop and better myself.


Do you have a career highlight that you could share with us?

Although I’m still very much at the beginning of my career, I’ve been part of some incredible work. I think my career highlight to date has to be filming the Paloma Faith digital advert for one of my clients, Boë Gin. It was a huge production which was a lot of work but the end result was fantastic and the advert was viewed over 8 million times on social media.


So… How did you come to work with us?

We began working with McFelder because we were looking for a suitable replacement for the translation agency we had been using for one of our fintech clients. They were planning a complete redesign of their website as well as ongoing blog articles and wanted everything translated into no less than five different languages.


What made you choose McFelder?

Tayburn started working with McFelder just before I came on board, but I know that we approached them based on a strong recommendation of their technical translation ability from a mutual connection. They were helpful enough to not only supply credentials of their translators, but also sample translations at no cost to us. That was reassuring.


What sort of challenges does your client face in terms of language?

Well being in fintech there’s a lot of technical translation terminology that’s very niche and not widely understood outside the industry. So it’s a bit of a hurdle to make sure that the translations for certain words and concepts are accurate. Our client is an internationally known organisation with a reputation as experts in their field. Couple that with a large audience (the website gets around 50,000 visitors per month) that includes many industry leaders, clients, future employees etc. and you can see why technical translation is so important in boosting your brand.


I see. And in terms of ‘boosting your brand via technical translation’… did we hit the mark?

No problems with the quality at all. That goes for our client too. They sign off on each piece of work that gets translated too so it’s not a case of simply forwarding work we believe to be correct! The turnaround times are another thing we appreciate too – you guys are super speedy, especially for such a complex subject matter.

McFelder is sort of an extension of our team – nothing’s ever an issue and you’re always quick to respond. I’d say we have a great relationship, there’s really nothing I can fault.

Kind words indeed, thank you Kimberley! Pleasure working with you.

Learn more about Internship opportunities at McFelder Translations.

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